Training and reality

Daily internal training program

Foolishness or the right solution

To draw attention to the importance of physical education in today’s tense time of all kinds of crises may seem foolish to some. We do not mean, however, the fake paskvil, which usually pretends to be physical education and sport in our society, which is severely affected by the degeneration of civilization, and in its education and media forum. Continue reading „Daily internal training program“

Training and reality

Tělocvik a matematika

Tělocvik a matematika bývají ve školství mezi žáky a studenty těmi nejméně oblíbenými předměty. Skutečné důvody této antipatie nebývají oficiálně uváděny, nebo jsou víceméně milné. Všechna pedagogická opatření zde obvykle selhávají, pokud se extrémními polohami matematiky a tělocviku vůbec zabývají. Duševní a tělesný stav populace  se neustále zhoršuje. Continue reading „Tělocvik a matematika“

Training and reality

Kill Mother Nature

Originally, all the needs of man and other living beings were met by Mother Nature. Now it is largely the opposite, and man has become a desperate slave who must gradually satisfy all the needs of nature and other living beings, otherwise the whole colossus would collapse on clay feet and bury them all. One is afraid of this, and so one has to work hard to spin the wheels of the devil’s mill, which he calls the economy.

Continue reading „Kill Mother Nature“