For many, many years, there has been a mass media campaign in globalizing Western culture that emphasizes positive thinking. Its essence is brainwashing, public deception, exploitation of human beings and nature and other swindlers and crimes, which are increasing economic growth and the political power of the rich prominent elite.
We cannot fully condemn this phenomenon because it provides negative experiences, distorting education and a malicious school of life (schola vitae) to ordinary people who revel in dull consumer life. The parasites thus take care of their hosts, who cannot take care of themselves.
We cannot object to positive thinking, the purpose and goal of which are higher human and moral ideals, the good course of destiny, goodness of all beings, God, the highest perfection, and similar goals. However, the stupid positive thinking, which is produced by fraudsters, hypocrites, advertising and propaganda, and that is being pushed to the public, must be considered very detrimental to the evolution of the human being.
Decadent efforts deprive, suppress, exploit, degenerate and devastate the man and the nature. False positive thinking intentionally ignores negative consequences. This deception seeks to halve the polarity and usurp pleasure for oneself and displeasure for others. When all or most do so, human society moves into hellish worlds. After enjoying the positive pleasures, there are negative experiences that ignore the mentioned fraud.
The solution of this problem is very simple but difficult. First, it is necessary to deal with the negative causes, while the positive consequences manifest themselves. It means rebuilding the whole human being. A new people are needed.