Training and reality

Positive thinking

Positive thinking is a necessary part of survival in daily life. In a broader context, however, it is a condition for the manipulation of the human being.

An excess of positive thinking can be the cause of human degradation and idiotism. For these reasons, positive thinking is strongly provoked and supported by the mass media. Idiotism is the basis of economic growth and prosperity.

The word idiot is not derogatory in its origin. The word idiot is derived from the Greek idiōtēs, which meant „private“, private person, individualist and egoist. The essence of the so-called market economy is the lowest instincts. Without encouragement, support and development of instincts, deception, deception, robbery and exploitation, which is called the economy, cannot work.

The economy devastates man and nature. Economics is a self-destructive mechanism of the universe, which is embedded in its very origin, and which gradually develops to its end.

Therefore, we cannot condemn the instinctive positive thinking and economy in any way, because we all long for the extinction of ourselves, others and the universe. This is not difficult to prove. Opposite speeches are irrelevant. They are only a reflection and proof of this desire.

If you understand positive thinking, you understand yourself, the economy and the world. Positive thinking needs to be brought under control. There are many interesting exercises for this. Think very carefully about whether you are interested in training positive thinking. In case of sincere interest, it is possible to advise some. But first you have to heal yourself from the idiotism of the usual positive thinking that most people suffer from and that are recommended by most experts. It’s not as easy as it seems.