Each fight begins with division, competition and concurrence and ends with destruction. Finally, the process of destruction annihilates the process of creation. The three stages of the Cosmos, which are creation, duration and destruction, alternate in our everyday life.
Concurrence, that in Czech means some currents of forces, which act against each other and are trying to dominate, control, exploit and destroy each other. Instead of joining and multiplying forces, opposite currents and forces limit and destroy each other. Then there is exhaustion and a lack of forces that do not allow the realization of the originally intended optimal intent.
The old Czech proverb says that two are fighting and the third is laughing. The two are fools, and the third controls them. It’s a parasite, a fight organizer, a judge, a coward and a criminal who stands aside from the struggle he raises and profits from. Who would not know this misery from the history and present of human society, which is dominated by decadent processes and regimes, and which, moreover, enthusiastically praises this decline?
Let the dead bury their dead. We are not primarily interested in this, because the causes lie in the decline of a human being and not in world affairs. We should try to resolve these causes correctly, regardless of the time and alternation of generations of the generally declining population.
The decline of human beings also did not happen abruptly, but is the result of a very long process. Human society also has its spring, summer, autumn and winter. And spring is prepared in summer, autumn and winter. And this decadent phase change can once become cadent.
However, let us look at the human being from viewpoint of her perception, thinking and actions that we seek to improve by proper training.
It is quite common that when practitioners try to perform noble body positions and movements, they immediately encounter essential degeneration, manifested by considerable psychosomatic indispositions, such as fright, clumsiness, resistance, defiance, depression, inattention, absence of consciousness and others.
Thus, in the very first moments of their training, the practitioners encounter their main problem of life, which is the psychosomatic disorder of a human being. Coordinating this disorder of components of human organism into the harmony is the real destiny and purpose of human life, to which are people forced by crises, distress and suffering.
Many practitioners immediately refuse such training and rather agree with the decline of their being. They hastily did not understand the advantages, the benefits and the beauty of such training.
So let us look at the exercises and movements of a common practitioner:
- His right hand is fighting against his left hand and against the rest of his body.
- His left hand fights his right hand and the rest of his body.
- His arms are fighting against his feet, and his legs are fighting against his arms.
- The right half of his body fights the left half of his body and vice versa.
- The upper half of his body fights the lower half of his body and vice versa.
- The front half of his body fights against the back of his body and vice versa.
- His consciousness fights against the body and vice versa.
- His mind fights against his consciousness and his body, and vice versa.
- He himself fights against his own resistance and resistance to the environment and against gravity.
And so we could go on forever. Only a complete idiot might think that in this terrible way he can become happy and that in this crazy way we can achieve peace, love, contentment, happiness, understanding, mercy, freedom, democracy and prosperity in the world.
Isn’t it a tragicomedy?