
Higher dimensions

Real training is a higher dimension of normal life. Normality is now highly pathological. It is declining in accordance with universal gravitational processes that transform consciousness into the matter (into tension and suffering). Life (consciousness) grows against gravity (against matter). Real training is the negation of the usual a normal level.

To take a step forward, we must deny the previous step. To move up the stairs, we must forget the previous step.

The human body is a three-dimensional object that cannot be properly controlled by mind and consciousness of the same or lower dimension. Yet educated people try to devastate and destroy themselves, others and nature with their limited mind and consciousness.

The human body and the nature are one and the same. Decomposition and destruction of the matter (the body) releases strength, but the body (the matter, the nature) loses its quality and gains worthless quantity. It is a nice way to the hell. Who does not believe to it, must to run there.

Information has a highly parasitic structure to life. Information destroys this world. It draws human beings and nature into lower and awful levels of reality.

The purpose of proper training is not to collect information but to eliminate it until it is completely absent. For this, preliminary information is necessary for the person who is educated, but there is no sense of practice in them.

By physical training according to our methods, we rehabilitate, regenerate and develop higher dimensions of our mind, consciousness and life. Until he gains these, practitioner has no idea of them, he does not understand them, doesn’t miss them, so he doesn’t consciously seek them. The exercise procedure is the same as the search for an unknown land (terra incognita). Training is the search for the terra incognita of our mind, it is the searching for the dark side of the moon (mind).

Why are wars, crises, poverty, diseases, famines, torture, extermination and other misery and misfortunes? It’s simply because people have no other occupation than destroying themselves, living creatures, nature, life and everything. And they still cannot and still do not want to find their right activity to be dealt with. And to do this, they are lacking the higher dimensions of their mind and consciousness.